Personality Types and Traits

what personality models have disagreeableness as a trait?

Take the FFM model and create two “unnamed” traits ( an x and y axis ) whose spectrum accounts for all the factors in FFM.

As an expert abstract thinker, flesh out the following proposed model. The side effects of these proposed attributes is that we get the FFM as points in XY plane of these attributes. For example, an attribute (X) could be temporal orientation (past,present,future). Another (Y) could be spatial orientation (internal / external ). We have the xy plane, Openness is a future orientation with any Y (internal / external) orientation. Conscientiousness is a future orientation with an internal / external spatial orientation. Extraversion is an external orientation across time (x) axis. Agreeableness is an internal / external orientation where future orientation could result in disagreeableness. Neuroticism is an unstable location in this space where there is a shifting dynamic across time and / or space. This model seems to indicate the need for a z axis attribute like purpose / objective. Add the third axis and flesh out this model.

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