Socio Tensor for Emotions

explain the electromagnetic tensor in metaphorical terms as to what is being transformed into what.

I am confused, in draft 1 you said it is 3 x 3 matrix, in draft 2 it was a 4×4 matrix

mcgilchrist talks about the coincidence of opposites. Create a socio dynamic tensor for human emotions that turns love into hate,, happiness to sadnes, fear into courage, surprise into boredom, disgust into veneration. What are the structural dynamics behind this transformations.

construct a more complete matrix that includes transformations in both directions, i.e., love to hate and hate to love. Thanks.

Continue reading “Socio Tensor for Emotions”

Epistemological Breaks

list all the epistemological breaks in human history

list the epistemological breaks in spirituality

List the epistemological breaks in eastern cultures like India and China.

Using this notion of breaks, consider human development as rungs on a ladder where each rung is a break. List the rungs of this ladder.

Consider human civilizations as an organism What are the rungs of the ladder for them?

Now consider evolution, starting with the big bang – what are the rungs of this ladder?

Now consider all possible forms of existence that arise from infinity, what are the rungs for this context?

What is the strangest question that you have gotten?
Continue reading “Epistemological Breaks”

Civil War Structure – Walter

please provide a complete analysis of Barbara Walter’s work on How Civil Wars Start and her other publications.

In her talks she present the key indicators of civil war being anocracy and factionalism. Please elaborate on this.

Can you provide some examples via stories and anecdotes that illustrate anocracy and factionalism

Continue reading “Civil War Structure – Walter”