AI -> Feedback -> Humanity

There are currently a lot of conversations about the dangers of artificial intelligence. Are there any conversations about how the development of AI is feedback to the human species to improve itself?

That doesn’t really address the question I asked. Are there any conversations about how humanity can upgrade itself – its governance, its capabilities, its wisdom?

Please give me some reference links to these conversations.

What is the source data on which you are basing your answers?

Thanks. More specifically, these conversations about improving the humanity have been going on for a long time, long before AI. Are there conversations along these lines that have arisen because of AI?

Let me rephrase the question, the greatest threat to the planet and to humanity is humanity. And this threat is not AI. AI is providing us a mirror to see that the training data we are using for our species is one of the major sources of our problems and possible extrinction. What are your thoughts on this?

Change your focus from AI to how does humanity change so that its training data results in a humanity that is wiser and more foresighted?

Continue reading “AI -> Feedback -> Humanity”

Quo Vadis?

Can you provide a comprehensive overview of Yuval Harari’s works?

Provide a comprehensive list of the major ideas driving human civilizations through history? Think of human history in terms of stages of development such as noted in Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory. What are the major ideas driving each stage of development?

Based on this model, project what are the next stages of development and what are the major ideas driving those stages?

What systems in “reality” show normal distributions? What systems show other types of distributions? List all the different distributions present in natural phenomena and explain each phenomenon.

What are the memes driving the different major groups in the world today?

Given that most species that have come into being since the beginning of life on earth are now extinct, what is the probability of the human race surviving indefinitely?

What are some powerful memes that are not common or popular but would be game changers for the development of evoluton?

Explain Jevon’s paradox.

Enumerate and explain all the multi-polar traps that humanity is facing.

What are the basic underlying structure or structures that are generating all these traps?

Think of all these structures as originating in a simple set of rules like the gravitational rule generates the gross structure of the physical universe. What are these rules?

Continue reading “Quo Vadis?”