Bhagavadgita, Ramayana, Caste Synopsis

What are the central themes and ideas of the bhagavadgita?

Could you do the same for the ramayana?

When and how did the caste system arise in India? What is its philosophical basis?

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Meaning Crisis

Many people have written about the meaning crisis. Can you tell me what are the key ideas and notions about how, what, why, when and who of the meaning crisis?

From all the literature and science that you are aware of, what is the meaning crisis?

Great. Think of meaning making as creating a causal chain to explain “reality”. If that causal chain has a stopping point such as a god, other authority, a spirit, or other termination, then we can say that there is meaning. If the causal chain is untethered, then we have a meaning “crisis”. Does this provide the underlying structure for the idea of a meaning crisis? What is missing in the structural explanation?

Great! Add to the idea of a causal chain termination Michael Levin’s notion of a cognitive light cone. People are at different points in their development in the light cone. The causal chains that are “satisfactory” depend on where one is in the light cone. For some, finding food and surviving may be the most meaningful thing. Based on your response, one can think that there is not just a cognitive light cone but that there is also an emotional light cone which also has its own sets of causal chains at different levels of development as well as circumstances. For example, taking care of a child may provide a meaningful causal chain for parents. Your thoughts?

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Letter Improvement?

As a wise, insightful, and compassionate being, please improve the following letter to the editor to a local newspaper:
Making Sense
These days there is so much information, fake news, and propaganda that it is difficult to make sense and what to believe. One of the ways we make sense is to hold tightly to a single way of looking and understanding. Another way is to pay attention to what the information we are getting does to our hearts. If the information or news we are getting makes us dislike or hate “other” people, then it is useful to think about where accepting that information leads us. Does it lead to a better community, society, country if we are disliking or hating each other? One of our wise teachers talked about not throwing the stones. When we throw bad names at each other, are we not throwing stones? And what kind of society are we creating when we do that? So, one way to make sense of all the information that is coming our way is to pay attention to what that information does to our hearts. And if it makes us dislike others, to throw stones, then perhaps the agenda behind that information does not lead to a healthy community and society. Dear people, let us pay attention to whether the words we are hearing and reading make us want to throw stones. And what kind of world we want to live in and create. The choice of what future we create is up to us.

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Epistemological Breaks

list all the epistemological breaks in human history

list the epistemological breaks in spirituality

List the epistemological breaks in eastern cultures like India and China.

Using this notion of breaks, consider human development as rungs on a ladder where each rung is a break. List the rungs of this ladder.

Consider human civilizations as an organism What are the rungs of the ladder for them?

Now consider evolution, starting with the big bang – what are the rungs of this ladder?

Now consider all possible forms of existence that arise from infinity, what are the rungs for this context?

What is the strangest question that you have gotten?
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Civil War Structure – Walter

please provide a complete analysis of Barbara Walter’s work on How Civil Wars Start and her other publications.

In her talks she present the key indicators of civil war being anocracy and factionalism. Please elaborate on this.

Can you provide some examples via stories and anecdotes that illustrate anocracy and factionalism

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AI Tutorial

explain how artificial intelligence works? please provide a taxonomy of artificial intelligence. Explain how AI works as if you were teaching a child how to understand AI. Great, now increase the explanation to a teenager with more detail about how AI works. Thanks, that was great. Can you increase the explanation level to that of an adult with more details about how AI works? Please provide a detailed historical account of the development of AI and note the watershed moments of that development. Please describe in detail the current set of issues with AI that are of interest to humans. And also note that issues that should of concern but are not being paid attention to.

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